Home Editorials Could Gaming Apps Drive Added Funding in a Tough Economy

Could Gaming Apps Drive Added Funding in a Tough Economy

It is no secret that our economy isn’t doing fantastic. With inflation skyrocketing, our savings dwindling, and the egregious sounds of the alarm going off in every consumer’s mind around the country, consumers are beginning to tune out and zip their wallets up.

In response to our worsening economy, consumers are looking for alternative ways to bring home the bacon. Many are leaning into the traditionality of a side hustle, pouring money into a small business of their own, or committing their extra hours to a night shift elsewhere.

But what no one has thought to do is make money off of what they enjoy. That was until the industry of mobile gaming came into play. Mobile gaming has become one of the most prolific ways to have fun and earn big. Skyrocketing to success at the height of the pandemic, the field of mobile gaming has become one of the hottest industries for investors to dip their toes into and for consumers to earn from.

“I wanted to level the playing field in finance and give everyone the chance to become wealthy and enjoy the process along the way.” – John Vitti, CEO of VersusGame

With Millions of users and Millions in cash prizes, Vitti’s VersusGame has become the perfect place to earn some extra cash. By utilizing predictions-based technologies, Vitti created a way for consumers to earn money by answering questions about their favorite pop culture topics. The more predictions you guess correctly, the more you win! But not only do you get to earn big, but you also get to play with your friends, family, and favorite celebrities!

One gamer found so much success through this app that he earned up to $100,000. This was more than he made at his day job, so he wound up quitting his job!

Now, I am sure after you’re reading this, you’re wondering, Where have I been all along? While it may feel like this has been right under your nose the entire time, the mobile gaming world took up during the pandemic. When people were isolated and desperate to connect, they turned to mobile gaming. But once that shift happened, it unlocked the hidden gem of the entertainment industry. The IDC notes that 75% of the pandemic-driven increases in mobile gaming will persist. So mobile gaming is here – and here to stay.

Not convinced yet? Well, before you commit to a second job, take a look at what makes the mobile gaming industry so special. Here are five key benefits you’d get from your mobile gaming side hustle:

You can do it anywhere and anytime.

One of the biggest benefits of having a mobile hustle is the fact that it’s mobile. With mobile gaming, you don’t have to waste time and energy going to your next job. You can simply “clock on” from your very own bed, in whatever you’re wearing, whenever you want. It is much less effort to earn through mobile gaming and just as rewarding.

You can earn the BIG money and FAST!

Another problem with the traditional side hustle is the slow and steady climb to extra money. Whereas another job might pay you hourly, or your small business might need a couple months to grow some popularity, you can start earning huge amounts of money as soon as you clock on to mobile gaming.

It is fun!

We often forget how important fun is. When you hear the words “work” or “hustle,” you’re probably flooded with stress and dread. But when I say “game,” you instantly relax. Earning money doesn’t have to take everything out of you – in fact, it shouldn’t. Mobile gaming is a great way to unwind and still be productive.

You can connect with others.

In addition to being a great way to earn some money, you can also find a lot of meaning in your gaming. When you play, you are playing with a community of people that share your interests. You can also share your passion with your friends and family, making it something you all can do to bond, as well as earn money.

The industry’s only getting bigger and better.

As mentioned before, mobile gaming is here to stay. Technology is only getting more advanced, and marketing is more consumer-oriented. The products being made lately are all about giving back value to the consumer in monetary and non-monetary ways. The longer you stick around, the more you will get out of the industry.

As you can see, mobile gaming provides an unconventional yet highly effective solution to any money worries you might be having. So ditch your time-consuming side hustle, and start predicting. Who knows, maybe you’re the next lucky gamer to win $100K…

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