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Are ADU Laws Changing?

Additional dwelling units have been around for a long time. However, it wasn’t until recently that they started to grow in popularity, resulting in the need for clarification on their regulations. As a result, ADU laws are being constantly updated by states like California in an attempt to make them easier to build for everyone.

Why Are ADU Laws Changing?

The housing crisis plaguing the state of California has resulted in the need for more affordable housing. To achieve this, the government has been encouraging the development of ADUs since they are small compact units that can be easily rented at an affordable rate.

ADU rent control tactics have been employed to keep the units affordable to help keep low-income families off the streets.

Although the state government has been encouraging ADU development, some local governments have been against it. As a result, they find loopholes in the ADU laws that can keep individuals from building units on their property. To keep local jurisdictions from doing this, the ADU laws are constantly being updated.

Plus, the new laws aim to make it easier for low-to-moderate-income individuals to develop ADUs as well.

Some Changes To Expect

There are a lot of changes coming in the laws set to take effect in 2023. Here are some of the basic ones you should be aware of.

Height restrictions are being redefined to make it easier for two-story units to be built.

This would offer more living space for renters. It will also be easier to build multi-family housing with these new laws.

Fire sprinklers will no longer be mandated within units, saving developers time and money during the construction process. Also, JADU laws will be better clarified to ensure tenants have easy access to a bathroom if one is not provided within the unit.

More financial programs are being created to help fund ADU projects. These programs are making it easier than ever to come up with the money needed to build your dream unit and sometimes get it back after you rent the unit out for a certain amount of time.

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