Home Technology Huawei’s Quick Charge Technology gives 3000 mAh battery 48% of charge in...

Huawei’s Quick Charge Technology gives 3000 mAh battery 48% of charge in 5 minutes

One of the perennial issues with modern day smartphones is battery life, as battery capacity still doesn’t suffice the demands of an average user. Though it’s good to see manufacturers addressing the issue with significant improvements to charge times. And now, Huawei has developed a battery that can charge up to 48 percent in just five minutes.

The Chinese smartphone manufacturer is testing a lithium-ion battery with graphite coated anode that can endure the stresses involved in super fast charging. The company has a 3000mAh battery prototype, the same size one would find in a large smartphone that can be charged up to 48 percent in a mere five minutes. In addition, Huawei has also built a smaller 600mAh battery, which can be charged up to 68 percent in just about 2 minutes.

Huawei claims that its new fast charging battery is equipped to charge ten times faster than your typical lithium-ion batteries as it uses a new electrode design. Developed by Huawei-owned Watt Lab, these batteries were showcased at the 56th Battery Symposium in Japan last week.

Though it might take some time before we see these kinds of batteries available for the end user, as they currently need a special charger that is quite a bulky setup. Huawei expects that they’ll be able to fix this issue in the near future by integrating the chargers directly into the smartphones.

Battery technologies are undeniably light years behind compared the rapid advancements made in other areas such as processing power or for that matter display technology. Though its easier said than done as developing cells capable of storing more energy safely and consistently has proven to be more of a challenge than researchers expected. We do have various charging techniques, which include wireless charging or faster charging that have tackled the issue to a certain extent, however creating long lasting batteries still boggles manufacturers and researchers alike.