Home Technology Google aiming to replace password with new ‘Trust Score’ concept

Google aiming to replace password with new ‘Trust Score’ concept

Google is keen to see passwords rendered obsolete. Instead, user logins would be authenticated using ‘trust scores’ created by Trust API technology that Google discussed recently at its I/O developer conference.

The technology though is still under development at Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects division. However, a rollout before by the end of 2016 is pretty much feasible, Google’s Daniel Kaufman stated during the Google’s developer conference.

A range of factors would be taken into account to create the Trust Scores. The aspects such as ‘typing speed, and vocal patterns’ are tied closely to the users and the way they interact with their devices. Additionally, ‘facial recognition, location, and proximity to get in range Bluetooth devices and Wi-Fi hotspots’ will also go into the creation of the Trust Scores.

A small Trust Score will allow access to relatively low-risk apps such as games and such.

However, a minimum high Trust Score will be mandatory for having access to sensitive apps such as those dealing with financial transactions or documents marked as secret.

It would change the present scenario where an Android device is guarded by passwords, pre-set patterns and more.

Once past that, the entire device with all of its apps is open to the user with the device having no idea if the right user is operating it.

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Apart from Google, other technology majors such as Apple and Microsoft have also expressed their desire to do away with passwords time and again. Apple has already standardized Touch ID sensors into its iOS range of devices.

Microsoft has also included several biometric authentication standards as part of Windows 10 OS. Those range from fingerprint sensors, voice recognition to iris scanners as viable alternatives to the password.

Touch ID sensors are already becoming commonplace with even mid-range to entry-level Android mobiles beginning to feature fingerprint sensors. Google apparently is keen to work on that even further and include a whole lot of factors other than the fingerprint to ensure the device interacts with only the authorized user.

For passwords that are not secure enough, a method to protect the increasingly smart devices of today already appears to be on its way out, and it seems to be happening sooner than perhaps expected.