Home Business DeepMind Health integrates with Google Health to allow for greater research

DeepMind Health integrates with Google Health to allow for greater research

There is a restructuring process underway at Alphabet so that DeepMind Health will henceforth come under the aegis of Google. This, it is learned, will ensure greater synergy among all groups under Alphabet that have been working on Artificial Intelligence based health applications to enable them to perform as a single unit.

The above can also be seen as a greater priority being accorded to Google Health that has only recently come into being and can be seen as an amalgamation of all the health-related projects now underway within Alphabet. This also explains it is only DeepMind Health that has been made a part of Google Health while DeepMind, the UK based AI research company, will continue with its independent existence.

Also, the level and scope of research undertaken by DeepMind will continue unabated, which also applies to any partnership in place with academic organizations and such. In other words, the restructuring is rather an internal reorganization of sorts so that Google Health emerges as the sole entity that has to do with all research projects, AI or otherwise, undertaken by the company in the health realm.

Meanwhile, one of DeepMind’s creations happens to be the Streams app which is designed to assist doctors and nurses to help detect issues with the kidney, eyes and such. The app has also gone on to see actual implementation with at least 10 hospitals that are part of the National Health Service in the UK currently using the same.

And the results have been extremely encouraging too, to say the least.

Apart from software-based solutions, Google Health will also be dealing with hardware as well, which means there could be specialized gadgets and such developed for use in the health sector and which will no doubt be powered by their own software such as Streams or anything of its sort.

DeepMind otherwise has been engaged in doing pioneering research work in the field of AI, which includes designing applications that can replace human workload. Among such systems conceived or developed include an app that can take on top raked players of Go, the Chinese board game that is considered among the toughest.

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