Home Technology Google Playmoji – Childish Gambino finally launched

Google Playmoji – Childish Gambino finally launched

Google has finally launched the Childish Gambino Playmoji pack that it had first announced during the launch of the Pixel 3 back in fall 2018. And it couldn’t perhaps have had a more dramatic launch given that it happened during the Gammy’s annual awards event.

It’s an ad that the Mountain View company showed off during the Grammy’s event and depicted the virtual avatar of Childish Gambino dancing alongside the real one. The ad begins by showing both the virtual and real Childish Gambino engaged in a dance face off. After that, both attempt to downplay the efforts of the other before the virtual dancer disperses in a cloud of light which again was perfectly synced to the lyric ‘turn on the lights’.

What can be said here is that the virtual avatar played in almost perfect sync with the real Childish Gambino, showing the technology behind it has really matured enough to take center stage finally. However, it’s going to be applicable to only the Pixel range of phones though fortunately for the older gen Pixel devices, the new Childish Gambino Playmoji pack is available on all Pixel phones launched so far, including of course the latest Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL devices.


Elaborating on the feature, Google said there are several of the company’s developments that has gone into the making of the new Playmoji. Those include ARCore and advanced machine learning techniques to allow for accurate motion tracking. This again made the virtual avatar almost an exact replica of the real thing. Also, of course, Google had both the dancer as well as his choreographer for active inputs on the dance moves as well as the facial expressions.


The new Playmoji can be downloaded and installed from the Play Store. Once it is installed, users will need to launch the camera on their Pixel phones and click on More > Playground > Post-it icon with the face. This way, the new Childish Gambino will come to occupy the top slot on the featured list. Thereafter, users will just have to tap on it in Playground to launch the same.

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