The US citizens have received three rounds of stimulus checks, the last being in March of the previous year. Millions of beneficiaries received stimulus checks worth $1,400. The Federal government has ceased the stimulus payments, and further checks seem unlikely. The government introduced a stimulus program to counter the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The low-income families and individuals benefited a lot from the monetary schemes. The Child Tax Credit is also one of the federal relief schemes; it ended in 2021. As.com reports that several states have also introduced stimulus payments to aid the sufferers of the pandemic.
California And Florida Have Issued Checks
California has provided the most financial benefits to its citizens; millions have been distributed under the Golden State Stimulus payments.
Alaska has issued state-run dividend packages to eligible families and individuals. However, As.com reports that Alaskans have been receiving these checks for the last five decades irrespective of the situation, so these benefits are not pandemic-affected. California issued $600 bills to about 4.5 million eligible residents in October last year. The second round of payments concluded recently, on January 11.
Florida provided $1,000 checks to nearly 170,000 teachers and principals; the state has also announced $1,000 bonuses for other workers in the education sector. The financial boost will encourage the individuals and help them with their expenses.
Indiana’s residents will receive $125 tax refunds per person while filing their 2021 tax returns. The initial date for filing the tax returns is January 24. Several workers in New York will receive funds under the $2.1 billion stimulus program. Workers across different sectors who made below $26,000 in 2020 are eligible for the checks. The state will also issue statements to the tourism workers who lost their employment due to a halt in tourism during the pandemic.
Part-Time And Full-Time Public-Sector Employees In Tennessee Will Receive Benefits
Tennessee will provide $1,000 checks to the full-time professionals under the SB1358. The scheme offers a cushion against hazardous circumstances.
The plan also provides $500 for part-time workers of the public schools. Texas stimulus program will provide stimulus checks worth $2,000 to the teacher returning to the classrooms in September last year. Several other programs include pay rise for teachers after returning to schools.