Home Gaming Epic Decision to End Rocket League Trading Sparks Outrage

Epic Decision to End Rocket League Trading Sparks Outrage

Rocket League, the popular vehicular soccer video game, has been at the center of a storm ever since Epic Games announced its decision to remove player-to-player trading by December 5. This move has not only upset the game’s vast community but has also raised eyebrows regarding Epic’s intentions and the future of in-game trading.

Key Highlights:

  • Epic Games plans to remove player-to-player trading in Rocket League by December 5.
  • The decision aligns with Epic’s policy on game cosmetics and item shop policies.
  • Epic’s move is seen as a way to integrate Rocket League vehicles into other games, possibly Fortnite.
  • The underlying motive might be Epic’s inability to profit from player-to-player trades.
  • The gaming community has expressed its dissatisfaction, with many seeing this as another misstep by Epic.

Epic’s Justification and the Community’s Response:

Epic Games has stated that the removal of trading is to “align with Epic’s overall approach to game cosmetics and item shop policies where items aren’t tradable, transferable, or sellable.” They also hinted at future plans for some Rocket League vehicles to be integrated into other Epic games, supporting cross-game ownership.

However, the gaming community believes there’s more to the story. One of the unspoken reasons might be Epic’s inability to take a cut from player-to-player trades. By eliminating trading, Epic ensures that all in-game transactions provide them with revenue. This move is seen by many as an attempt to cover the company’s revenue deficits.

Cross-Game Ownership: A Glimpse into the Future?

The idea of Rocket League vehicles making their way into other games, such as Fortnite, has been floated around. This concept of cross-game ownership aligns with the web3 blockchain and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) idea, where players own items that can be transferred across different games. While this idea might sound appealing to some, many in the gaming community have expressed their disinterest, with developers highlighting the technical challenges involved.

The Bigger Picture: Epic’s Vision of the Metaverse

Epic’s decision to remove trading from Rocket League might be a part of a larger plan. Tim Sweeney, the CEO of Epic Games, has been vocal about his vision of the metaverse, a collective virtual shared space created by converging virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space. In many sci-fi versions of the metaverse, players can take equipment across different games. However, in reality, this move by Epic seems more about integrating Rocket League cars into Fortnite, even if it means sacrificing a beloved feature of the former.


Epic Games’ decision to end player-to-player trading in Rocket League has been met with significant backlash from the gaming community. While Epic justifies the move as an alignment with their game cosmetics and item shop policies, many believe it’s a way for the company to ensure they profit from all in-game transactions. The potential integration of Rocket League vehicles into other games, possibly Fortnite, further fuels the debate. Whether this move is a step towards realizing the vision of the metaverse or just another misstep by Epic remains to be seen.