Home Business How Many Views on YouTube Do You Need To Make Money

How Many Views on YouTube Do You Need To Make Money

Creating a Youtube channel is a matter of minutes, and its promotion is a matter of years or sometimes a lifetime. As a rule, YouTube channels start bringing in money once they reach 100,000 subscribers. This is a kind of barrier, after crossing which the blogger begins to be approached by advertisers.

How to Make Money on YouTube?

Bloggers use different ways to monetize. There are three main ways to make money on YouTube. You can use either one of them or all of them.

1. Contextual advertising Google Adsense

Earnings from contextual advertising refer to income from views. Such advertising appears before the start of the video as well as in the process of watching it. It is not set up by the owner of the channel but by the YouTube algorithm. Advertisers place an ad via Google Adsense and the program itself decides which video to show it in.

To understand how much you will earn from views using YouTube, you need to consider three factors:

  • Viewer country

The cost of YouTube ads depends on the country in which they are viewed. In countries with developed economies, there is a lot of competition, so advertisers invest a lot of money in advertising in the chase for views. For example, the cost per click in Germany, the UK and the US can reach several tens of dollars. In Russian-speaking countries, the competition is not as strong, so the advertiser pays less money for the same number of views. Thus, for the same views, YouTube authors from different countries will receive different income.

Topic of the account

The amount that advertisers on YouTube are willing to pay for views varies depending on the topic of the channel. No one wants to place ads with YouTube authors who make videos on irrelevant and uninteresting topics. For example, videos about cute cats and jokes have a minimal price per click because there are simply no solvent subscribers. Another thing is YouTube channels with business or hobby topics. They gather an adult audience and gain a large number of views. In this case, the advertiser pays more.

The number of impressions

A simple pattern emerges: the bigger the channel is, the more videos and subscribers there are, and so are the more impressions. In turn, impressions directly depend on the number of views of the video on YouTube and, accordingly, affects the total amount of clicks and the final earnings.

Tip! Can you buy views on YouTube to improve statistics? Yes, you can!

2. Affiliate programs

With affiliate programs, you will earn even more. They make life easier for bloggers, help with promotion and training, and provide technical support. There is an official YouTube affiliate program.

To connect it, you need to have more than 1000 subscribers and at least 4000 hours of watch time for 1 year. In addition to the official affiliate program, there are many unofficial ones.

Also, for getting enough hours for monetization you can buy YouTube views.

Agencies offer different terms and conditions of cooperation, but as a rule, they take up to 30% of the profits from advertising. Before signing an agreement, we advise you to carefully read the terms and conditions of the program and the feedback about it.

3. Native advertising from direct advertisers

How much do YouTube bloggers get on native advertising? 

Earnings are unlimited and depend on the number of followers, activity on the channel, and the subject of the video. Most advertisers pay attention to YouTube blogs with an audience of more than 100,000 subscribers. They find it easier to negotiate with one major author who guarantees a good conversion rate than to look for several smaller ones.

Those who already have an army of fans do not need to make an effort to find customers. Popular YouTube influencers are written by advertisers themselves, and they pay several thousand dollars for a single integration.

Newcomers, on the other hand, have to look for customers on their own. In order for an advertiser to pay attention to your channel, you have to constantly work on it. Make quality content, gather your audience and develop trusting relationships with them. Keep track of statistics and try to improve engagement.


In this article, we have listed only the main ways to monetize your channel on YouTube. In addition to this, you can get income from selling your own goods and services also with the help of streams and donations. It is important to understand that YouTube pays for users’ attention, so how much you get depends on the number of YouTube subscribers and their involvement in the content.