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BlockFit : Putting users face to faces with industry professional, physiotherapists and athletic trainers to reach their full fitness potential.

Intent on revolutionizing the health and fitness sector, the BlockFit platform provides numerous multimedia formats- such as VR, video and written content- for users to reach their fitness potential and earn cryptocurrency along the way. BlockFit as a brand is built around the concept of Train-2-Earn and aims to bring together fitness and Web3.0. In progressing through the levels of membership NFTs, users unlock more of what the BlockFit ecosystem has to offer and are able to engage with the benefits of the union between fitness and Web3.0.

However, BlockFit offers its users much more than just follow-along video workouts. BlockFit’s Founders hold central the idea of a personal fitness journey that not only encompasses physical exercise but also a focus on nutrition, mental health, self-improvement, and the general building of a healthier lifestyle. BlockFit was created to allow users to becomes the best versions of themselves, and the courses and projects offered by BlockFit reflect this in the value places upon personal growth- both in terms of fitness and lifestyle. But what exactly has BlockFit put in place which reflects these core values?

BlockFit’s New Advisor

BlockFit has recently recruited Matt Wilson- a board-certified, and licensed Certified Athletic Trainer- to be BlockFit’s newest Advisor. Matt is a renowned athletic trainer and has had the privilege of working with professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, MLB, Indycar, and professional Golf; including Chris Paul (CP3), Dion Waiters, & Jadeveon Clowney.

In his role as an Advisor, Matt utilizes his knowledge and experience to thoroughly evaluate and treat chronic musculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions through movement, manual therapy, and education. This includes evaluation, management, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries, personal training for medical populations, and performance optimization for athletes of all levels. Matt’s expertise are tailored to individual needs creating a bespoke and highly personalised treatment which will see results. The appointment of Matt as an Advisor is but one of the ways BlockFit shows itself to be more than just an online workout platform. In offering expert advice on physiotherapy and performance optimisations, BlockFit demonstrates the care and dedication they have for their users and their fitness journeys.

 Project 30

Project 30 is a new, interactive challenge by BlockFit to promote the creation of a healthier lifestyle through a daily focus on exercise, education, discipline, nutrition, and wellness. The rules of Project 30 are simple:

 Rule 1 : Wake up at the same time everyday

Sleep for 6+ hours and try to maintain a consistent bedtime routine. Make this rule fit to your life style and individual needs.

Rule 2 : Do your morning routine

Dedicate 1 hour to no distractions; this means no phone and no social media. If you have enough time, why not try meditate, go for a walk, or simply deep-think and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Rule 3 : Exercise for 45 minutes a day

Exercise on your fitness level. This could be done through walking, stretching, running, yoga, riding your bike, going to the gym, etc… the possibilities are endless.

Rule 4 : Read 15 pages a day

Read motivational, psychological or business-related books; educational books also count. The goal is to learn from and engage with what you are reading.

Rule 5 : Reflect on today and prepare for tomorrow

Prepare goals and anticipated skills before the challenge starts (prep-phase). No distractions and high concentration.

Rule 6 : Follow a healthy diet

Follow a diet of your choice. No alcohol, no soft drinks, and generally less sugar. Drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day.

General Project 30 Rule : If you fail on any of the 30 days, start over at day 1. Repeat until finished.

The Project is intended to instill routine into followers of the program as well as a new awareness of the importance of looking after themselves and their bodies. The rules outlined by the project will promote overall self-improvement and kick-start users on their individual fitness journeys.