Home Business Apple denies presence of Chinese Spy chips on iCloud servers

Apple denies presence of Chinese Spy chips on iCloud servers

Apple has denied any of its iCloud servers have been compromised on the back of a new report that claimed Chinese manufacturers might have planted microchips in servers that have been procured from that country. The report said chips as small as a grain of rice is enough for the Chinese to hack into the servers of some of the biggest tech companies of the US.

The said chip is also believed to enable the Chinese hackers to bypass layers of built-in software designed to prevent untoward intrusion. Such a mechanism is also believed to pose a new and unforeseen threat to the security establishment where even the most sophisticated software might not be able to detect such a hack.

Interestingly, the sort of breach as mentioned above has been contemplated for some time already. Rather, it is something that many have been projecting as a likely scenario given that most tech companies source their hardware requirements from China; and the latter does not have quite a shining record when it comes to online adventurisms.

Apple too has said they are well aware of such a thought process being in vogue but mentioned all of it is as deviated from the truth as it can be. The company also added they have subjected their entire server infrastructure to repeated checks but have never found any inconsistencies anywhere to prove any sort of threat being in place. It also said they have never detected the presence of any chips or such that might be beyond their known sphere of knowledge and which can pose to the threat of the data stored in the servers.

Cupertino giant has never had any such forebodings from the FBI or any other security agency. It also said they aren’t aware of any such investigation being conducted by the FBI or any other agency as such.

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What also can’t be denied is that the sort of hardware manipulation as mentioned in the report does seem to be quite possible. Also, any hack as has been claimed in the report would prove to be catastrophic considering that the Chinese might have already been watching things for some time already. All of this does bring forth the uncomfortable question whether Apple is denying the truth considering the sheer scale of the breach that such a hack would lead to; or if things indeed are under control.

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