Home Technology Apple rumored to launch 12.9-inch iPad Pro with mini LED screen in...

Apple rumored to launch 12.9-inch iPad Pro with mini LED screen in Q1 2020

Apple is all set to induct the mini LED display technology on its product range soon, with the 12.9-inch iPad Pro being among the first recipients. According to a report from TrendForce, the new 12.9-inch iPad Pro with mini LED technology will be breaking cover in Q1 2021.

After that, it is going to be the new 14-inch MacBook Pro along with the 16-inch MacBook Pro that would be next in line to get the mini LED display. The report also claims that the mini LED screens will be sourced from manufacturers based in Taiwan as against Chinese manufacturers.

That again has to do with the ongoing trade spat between the United States and China, and Apple seemed wary of roping in a Chinese supplier. The Cupertino giant fears having its supplies impacted just in case there is a US sanction imposed. This, in spite of the fact that Chinese supplied mini LED displays would be more cost effective than those from the TSMC.

For those not in the knowing, mini LED displays are better in that they have a richer wide color gamut along with high contrast ratios and high dynamic range. Plus, mini LEDs offer localized dimming feature as well, all of which makes such panel more power efficient while also having a thinner profile.

Another inherent positive with the mini LEDs is that they do not suffer from the screen burn-in issues as is evident with OLED panels. No wonder, Apple has made it a point to include mini LED displays on all of its future devices that comes with a display.

Meanwhile, efforts are also underway to integrate the 5 nm Apple Silicon on its entire range of devices such as the iPad, iPhone, Mac and such.