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Microsoft to teach AI, ML, Data Science concepts with new Netflix original series

Microsoft is taking inspiration from the new Netflix original series ‘Over the Moon’ to come up with three of its own modules that aim to introduce viewers to the basic concepts of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Specifically, the new Explore Space with ‘Over the Moon’ learning path comprises of three parts. The first part is the ‘Plan a Moon Mission’ that uses Python Pandas Library where viewers will get to familiarize with concepts such as using data to plan your own mission to the moon and back. The trip also envisages bringing the moon rock samples you have collected back to earth safely. Thereafter, you get to know about data cleansing practices for analysing and visualizing datasets.

The second part is the ‘Predict Meteor Showers’. Here, viewers will be introduced to ideas such as developing a machine learning prediction model using Python and VC Code post cleansing a space-themed dataset on meteor showers. To spice things up a bit, users will also have the option to integrate the Chang’e’s potential effects on meteor showers as well.

Lastly, viewers will be introduced to concepts wherein Artificial Intelligence is employed to make out the objects in images using Azure Custom Vision. All of it is going to happen in a fun package where the camera attached to the lunar rover will be used to scan the lunar surface for Fei Fei’s buddy Bungee before you head back to earth.

As Microsoft mentioned in a blog post on this, the module is also about using the strengths of the Azure Custom Vision where users will classify images of animals without having to write even a single line of code for the same. In fact, none of the modules requires users to have special coding skills but those will some knowledge of it can surely have a better grasp of it all and have greater chances of making it through.

For those not in the knowing, ‘Over the Moon’ happens to be a Netflix original series where a young girl named Fei Fei builds her own space rocket to travel to the moon. And the girl banks on her own resourcefulness, creativity, and imagination to make her space endeavour a success.

This apart, Microsoft had also embarked on its Global Skills Initiative where it aimed to empower 25 million people or so around the world to acquire the new digital skills needed to make the most of the scenario prevalent in the post pandemic world.