NASA’s Parker Solar Probe captured the photo of Venus Surface in visible light for the first time ever. The surface of Venus is very hard to observe due to the thick cover over its exteriors.
This is a major breakthrough that offers opportunities for further advancements and studies.
Parker’s special Wide-Field Imager
According to the two recent images from WISPR, there is confirmation that the surface of Venus was captured. The image captured was in the wavelengths of the visible light spectrum, which is basically the type of light the human eye can perceive.
Insights from the Parker Solar Probe
The images were combined to get a video that actually shows what the surface of Venus looks like. It shows a glowing surface with a lot of plains and plateaus. In addition, a luminescent halo which is expected to be made of oxygen, was seen surrounding the surface of the bright planet.
According to Nicola Fox, The director for the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters, they were absolutely thrilled with the outstanding results of the Parker Solar Probe. The unique probe continues to go beyond the expectations of the scientists. The images and results it has captured will help in the detailed study of the planet Venus reported by New Atlas. It will ultimately promote advanced research, which can be revolutionary in science.
Gather useful information about the Venus
Venus is often known as the Earth’s Twin. It is the third biggest star in the sky. The planet was expected to be very similar to Earth, but it became inhospitable to humans due to various reasons. As a result, scientists will be able to learn and know more about the planet’s geology. They can even explore the type of minerals found on the surface of Venus. Such detailed information will tell all about the evolution of the planet.
Brian Wood, the lead author on the new study and physicist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, said we didn’t know a lot about the planet due to the thick atmosphere. Still, now we finally have the proper image of the surface of Venus.