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User Onboarding Tools: Appcues Alternatives Worth Considering

In the rapidly evolving world of digital adoption platforms, finding the right solution can make all the difference for your organization. While Appcues is a solid choice for many, it’s essential to explore Appcues alternatives that better suit your specific needs. Let’s delve into the world of user onboarding tools and see why Whatfix is often preferred over Appcues.

What Is Appcues?

Appcues is a digital adoption platform (DAP) designed to give product managers the ability to easily craft in-app interactions for purposes like guiding users during onboarding, announcing new features, sharing product updates, and more. Its primary goal is to boost the usage of SaaS and mobile applications. Using Appcues, product managers can effortlessly create, deploy, and evaluate in-app content like product walkthroughs, user onboarding sequences, to-do lists, notification hubs for feature releases, and surveys for gathering user feedback.

While Appcues offers a robust set of features, there may be better choices for some use cases. Let’s explore the core features, pricing, and limitations of Appcues before diving into the Appcues alternatives.

Appcues Features

Appcues offers a range of features designed to enhance user onboarding and product adoption. However, if you’re exploring alternatives to Appcues, you’ll want to consider other options that provide similar capabilities. Here are some Appcues alternatives to consider:

  1. Product tours and user onboarding experiences: Create guided tours to help users navigate your application effectively.
  2. New user task lists: Design task lists that guide users through essential actions within your app.
  3. Announcement center: Keep users informed about product updates, announcements, and news.
  4. In-app pop-ups for new features: Highlight new features and updates directly within your app.
  5. Beacons and tooltips: Provide contextual guidance with beacons and tooltips.
  6. Feedback surveys: Gather user feedback through free-response, Likert, and multi-choice surveys.

Appcues Pricing

Appcues offers a 14-day free trial that provides complete access to all its features, including unlimited content. However, if you don’t present more than 50 flows to users during that time, your trial will remain active until you reach that limit. Appcues’ pricing is based on monthly active users (MAUs) and includes Essentials: $8,249/month for up to 2,500 MAUs & Growth: $879/month for up to 2,500 MAUs.

For enterprise-level customers with multiple products or over 500 employees, Appcues does not publicize pricing. Additionally, Appcues offers customized onboarding, professional services, and dedicated customer support, all available at an additional cost on top of its pricing model.

Limitations of Appcues

As you conduct your research into digital adoption platforms, it’s crucial to consider your specific requirements and how well a platform aligns with them. Here are some reasons why you might consider Appcues alternatives:

  • Technical Complexity: While Appcues aims to empower non-technical product managers, many users have reported a steep learning curve during setup. Non-technical teams often need assistance from engineering teams to utilize the tool fully.
  • Scaling Costs: Appcues can become expensive as your MAUs scale. The entry-level offering is limited to teams with fewer than 2,500 MAUs, which may not suit products with larger user bases. In contrast, Whatfix offers more scalability.
  • Focus on Customer-Facing Applications: Appcues primarily caters to product teams and customer-facing applications, which may not align with companies seeking digital adoption platforms for internal use cases.
  • Lack of Desktop Application Support: Appcues is designed for cloud-based SaaS applications and mobile apps and needing more ability to integrate with desktop applications.
  • Manual Content Translation: Appcues does not offer automatic translation of content based on users’ geographic regions, requiring manual translation. Some alternatives, like Whatfix, provide auto-translation for multiple languages.
  • Customer Support: Smaller customers have reported longer response times for customer support with Appcues. Additionally, personalized onboarding and dedicated customer support come at an additional cost.

Why Whatfix Stands Out?

In the sea of Appcues alternatives, Whatfix emerges as a strong contender for several reasons. Its advanced technology, seamless integrations, and versatility make it an appealing choice for user onboarding and beyond. Whatfix has a track record of helping organizations reduce support tickets by 45%, cut training costs by 35%, and reduce employee knowledge discovery time by 25%.

Make The Right Decision Now!

The choice between Appcues and Appcues alternatives depends on your specific requirements and the scale of your organization. While Appcues has its merits, Whatfix offers comprehensive solutions, superior analytics, and an open ecosystem for integration. Real user reviews highlight Whatfix’s strengths in meeting requirements, ease of use, quality of support, and its positive direction through feature updates and roadmaps.

As you embark on your journey to enhance user onboarding and product adoption, explore the Appcues alternatives and select the platform that aligns best with your organization’s goals and vision. Whatfix stands as a compelling alternative to Appcues, poised to drive your digital adoption initiatives to new heights. To experience the power of Whatfix firsthand, request a personalized demo today!